Conducerea firmei are o experienta de peste 25 ani in domeniul executiei constructiilor civile si industriale.
Acest lucru a facut ca lucrarile noastre sa se ridice la parametrii inalti de calitate si executie, in deplina siguranta si standarde de calitate.
Cererea de antreprenori de specialitate a fost in sistent impusa de piata constructiilor din Romania, ca tendinta majora a investitiilor, cu precaderea in cazul proiectelor cu valoare ridicata. In acest sens, S.C. ZAHARIA CONSTRUCT S.R.L. a prezentat oferte cat mai atractive de executie a proiectelor de structuri si infrastructuri.
Consideram ca faptele vorbesc de la sine asa ca va invitam sa ne vizitati pagina noastra de internet unde se pot analiza cateva din lucrarile ce in prezent se regasesc in portofoliul firmei noastre.
Va asiguram de toata consideratia noastra si va rugam sa ne contactati daca aveti intrebari sau nelamuriri la numerele de telefon din contact.
Cu stima,
Echipa Zaharia Construct International Si Sofia Invest Construct.
We have a large team of professionals, willing to give our best in each project. Our company has all kinds of heavy machinery to carry out any type of project, without limitations.
We can transform a simple idea into a grandiose project, hand in hand with our creative team, design and architecture professionals ready to give birth to your project.
We offer a free assessment of the project to be carried out, guaranteeing a competitive price, and adaptation to all circumstances.
We have a large team of professionals, willing to give our best in each project. Our company has all kinds of heavy machinery to carry out any type of project, without limitations.
We can transform a simple idea into a grandiose project, hand in hand with our creative team, design and architecture professionals ready to give birth to your project.
We offer a free assessment of the project to be carried out, guaranteeing a competitive price, and adaptation to all circumstances.